Country Guide • Angola

Flag of Angola

Angola, is in South West Africa. The Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of Congo are to the north and east, Zambia is to the east, and Namibia is to the south. Nearly all the land in Angola is desert or savannah, with hardwood forests in the north east.

Official NameRepublic of Angola
Area1,246,700km² (481,351mile²)
Population per mile²22
Capital CityLuanda
ReligionsRoman Catholic 70%, Protestants 20%, but many people still belief in tribal beliefs as well
LanguageThe official language is Portuguese, although the national language is Bantu with the number of dialects spoken as varied as the Bantu sub-tribes, plus other African languages
GovernmentMultiparty republic democracy with a strong presidential system
Member of EUN/A
CurrencyNew Kwanza
GDP$16.9 Billion
GDP per Head$1,600
Natural ResourcesDiamonds, petroleum, iron ore, phosphates, copper, gold, bauxite and uranium
Land UseArable Land 2.5%
AgricultureBananas, Coffee, Corn, Cotton, Fish, Manioc (tapioca), Sugarcanes, Tobacco, Vegetables, Livestock, Timber
IndustryPetroleum; jewellery, basic metal products, fish processing, food processing, brewing, tobacco products, sugar and textiles
TourismThe death of insurgent leader Jonas Savimba in 2002 and a subsequent cease-fire with UNITA may bode well for the country, but it is not seen as a tourist location until peace in the country can be sustained
Natural HazardsHeavy rainfall can cause periodic flooding on the plateau
Health RisksMalaria, hepatitis A and B, rabies, and polio
ClimateAngola has a tropical climate varying from a moderate tropical climate to a desert climate depending on the location. Average temperatures range from 18 to 23°C in the summer to 24 to 30°C in the cooler months
TimeGMT/UTC+1 hour
National DaysNovember 11
VisasVisas are required and last for travel up to 90 days maximum, passports require at least 6 months validity. Yellow fever inoculation is an official requirement, and if a valid certificate is not held, is enforced on arrival at the airport
British EmbassyEmbassy Details

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