Country Guide • Brazil

Flag of Brazil

Brazil became an independent nation in 1822. It is by far the largest and most populated country in South America.It has had and has exploiting vast natural resources and has an enormous labour pool. Brazil is today South America's leading economic power and a regional leader. Highly unequal income distribution remains a pressing problem.

Official NameFederative Republic of Brazil
Area8,511,965km² (3,286,470mile²)
ContinentSouth America
Population per mile²55
Capital CityBrasília
ReligionsRoman Catholic - 80 %. The remainder are Protestants, Spiritualists, Voodooists and Buddhists and Jews
GovernmentFederal Republic
GDP$1.34 trillion
GDP per Head$7,600
Natural ResourcesBauxite, gold, iron ore, manganese, nickel, phosphates, platinum, tin, uranium, petroleum, hydropower and timber
Land UseArable Land 6%
AgricultureCoffee beans, soy beans, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane, cocoa, citrus fruits and livestock
IndustryTextiles, shoes, chemicals, lumber, iron, tin, steel, motor vehicles and parts, arms, soya beans, orange juice, meats, coffee and sugar
TourismBrazil has the beaches, the carnival in Rio and many other carnivals and fiestas throughout the year as well as the Amazon. It has many vibrant cities to visit too
Natural HazardsDroughts in the North East and floods and occasional frost in the South
Health RisksDengue fever, malaria, meningitis, rabies, yellow fever
ClimateThe climate varies from arid scrubland in the interior to the impassable tropical rainforests of the northerly Amazon jungle and the tropical eastern coastal beaches. The south is more temperate. Rainy seasons occur from January to April in the north, April to July in the northeast and November to March in the Rio/São Paulo area. Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year and the average annual precipitation varies between 40 inches and 80 inches. Average temperature ranges in Rio de Janeiro are from 17 to 24°C in July to 23 to 29°C in February
TimeGMT/UTC-3 hours
National DaysSeptember 7
VisasPassports must be valid for at least six months from date of entry. Visas are required for tourists from many nationalities, including Australia, Canada and the USA. Visas are generally for 90 days, with one extension of up to 90 days possible
British EmbassyEmbassy Details

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