Country Guide • Myanmar (Burma)

Flag of Myanmar

Myanmar is located on the mainland of South East Asia. It is bound by China to the north and northeast, Laos to the east, Thailand to the east and southeast, India to the northwest, Bangladesh to the west and the Andaman Sea to the south. Since 1962 Myanmar has been under the military rule of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) - formerly known as the State Law and Order Restoration Council (Slorc).

Official NameUnion of Myanmar
Area678,500km² (261,969mile²)
Population per mile²162
Capital CityYangon (Rangoon)
Religions89% Theravada Buddhists, 5% Christian, 4% Muslim, 3% animist
GovernmentMilitary Regime
GDP$70 billion
GDP per Head$1,660
Natural ResourcesPetroleum, timber, tin, antimony, zinc, copper, tungsten, lead, coal, some marble, limestone, precious stones, natural gas, hydropower
Land UseArable Land 14%
AgricultureBeans, rice, pulses, sesame seeds, ground nuts, sugarcane, timber mainly hardwood, fish and fish products
IndustryFertilizers, Food Processing, Footwear, Forestry, Mining, Oil and Gas Production, Pharmaceuticals, Textiles
TourismThe situation in Burma remains unsettled and travellers are advised to remain informed as to developments in the country. Check British Embassy for up to date information. Curfews have been imposed in some areas and caution is recommended to all travellers
Natural HazardsEarthquakes and cyclones, flooding and landslides common during rainy season (June to September) and occasional droughts
Health RisksCholera, dysentery, hepatitis, malaria, rabies, typhoid
ClimateMyanmar has a tropical climate with three seasons, (1) a monsoon or rainy season between May and October, (2) the hot season between April and November, and (3) the cool season between December and March. Temperatures are hot all year round with fairly high humidity. Average temperature ranges in Yangon are from 18 to 32°C in January to 24 to 36°C in April
TimeGMT/UTC+6 1/2 hours
National DaysJanuary 4
VisasVisas are required to enter Myanmar. A passport must be valid for at least six months from the time of entry. 28-day tourist visas are issued at a cost
British EmbassyEmbassy Details

Information Only

The content above is for information purposes only and we have tried to ensure that the information is as accurate as possible. We cannot accept any responsibility for any inconvenience, loss or injury as a result of the information above. You should always check and verify any critical information like visas, health and safety and customs with the relevant authorities before you travel since information can change at any time.