Country Guide • San Marino

Flag of Sanmarino

San Marino is the third smallest state in Europe (after the Holy See and Monaco) also claims to be the world's oldest republic. According to tradition, it was founded by a Christian stonemason named Marinus in 301 A.D.

Official NameMost Serene Republic of San Marino
Area61.2km² (24mile²)
Population per mile²1,190
Capital CitySan Marino
Religions95% Roman Catholic
GovernmentIndependent Republic
Member of EUNo
GDP$940 million
GDP per Head$34,600
Natural ResourcesBuilding stone
Land UseArable Land 16.67%
AgricultureWheat, grapes, corn, olives; cattle, pigs, horses, beef, cheese, hides
IndustryAgriculture, Ceramics, Food Processing, Forestry, Quarrying, Textiles, Tourism
TourismSan Marino is full of medieval heritage, castles and fortresses, you can even purchase many of these 'relics' as memorabilia.! San Marino is also famous for its coins and stamps. It is near the Italian resort of Rimini and there are numerous treks and walks that can be had
Natural HazardsNone
Health RisksNone
ClimateSan Marino has a Mediterranean climate with cool winters and warm summers. Rainfall is moderate throughout the year with an average annual rainfall of 13 inches. Temperatures rarely fall below -6°C in winter and ranges between 20 - 30°C in summer
TimeGMT/UTC+1 hour (+ 2 hours from last Sunday in March to Saturday before last Sunday in October)
National DaysJanuary 6 Epiphany
February 5 Anniversary of the Liberation of the Republic from the Alberoni Occupation and St Agatha’s Day
March 25 Anniversary of the Arengo
April 1 Investiture of the new Captains Regent
May 1 Labour Day
June 19 Corpus Christi
July 28 Anniversary of the Fall of Fascism
August 15 Assumption
September 3 San Marino’s Day and Foundation of the Republic
October 1 Investiture of the new Captains Regent
November 1 All Saints’ Day
November 2 All Souls’ Day
December 8 Immaculate Conception
VisasNo visa is required for tourist stays of up to 3 months
British EmbassyEmbassy Details

Information Only

The content above is for information purposes only and we have tried to ensure that the information is as accurate as possible. We cannot accept any responsibility for any inconvenience, loss or injury as a result of the information above. You should always check and verify any critical information like visas, health and safety and customs with the relevant authorities before you travel since information can change at any time.