Ascariasis Lumbricoides

Ascariasis lumbricoides is the most common human worm infection. Ascarid eggs are found in the soil. Infection occurs when a person ingests infective ascarid eggs. Once in the stomach, larvae hatch from the eggs. The larvae are carried through the lungs then to the throat where they are then swallowed. Once swallowed, they reach the intestines and develop into adult worms. Adult female worms lay eggs that are then passed in faeces; this cycle will take between 2—3 months.

Occurrence: Infection occurs worldwide and is most common in tropical and subtropical areas where sanitation and hygiene are poor. Children are infected more often than adults are.

Manifestations: Most people have no symptoms. If you are heavily infected, you may have abdominal pain and you may be more prone to coughing as the immature worms migrate through the lungs, causing difficulty breathing. The intestines may become blocked also.

Diagnosis and treatment: Diagnosis is based on stool samples taken for testing. There is no blood test used to diagnose an ascarid infection. Treatment is effective with antibiotics.

Vaccine: Not available.

Prevent infection with ascarids by:

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