Bilharziasis, Snail fever, Schistosomiasis

The blood fluke causes schistosomiasis from the family of flukes Scistosoatidae. They currently infect more than 200 million people, and the number of people infected increases annually. The infection is mainly transmitted by contact with contaminated water. Infective free-swimming larval forms (cercariae) penetrate directly through the skin.

The fluke lives in the blood vessels in humans. Human urine and faeces contaminate fresh water. The eggs infect snails in the water and multiply in the snail. The schistosoma parasite released from the snail to the water can penetrate the skin in humans, who are swimming in the water. The adult worms invade the blood vessels and starts a new generation.

Manifestations: In a few days the patient develops:

In one to two month flu symptoms with:

In patients with chronic infection damage to bladder, liver lungs, bowel wall and nervous system are seen.

Diagnosis and treatment: Definitive diagnosis depends on the demonstration of eggs in faeces. Treatment is available.

Prevent bilharziasis:

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